First of all - an apology. Mainly to myself. My life and priorities went slightly awry over the last year, and I completely lost the motivation to write. Writing has always been very important to me, and I realised recently how lost I felt without it. Aside from a few pathetic rants in a diary, I haven’t written anything of note in almost 9 months.
One reason for this was how much I’d been working. I took a year out of university during this academic year to do some thinking and (hopefully) make some money. I had two really good jobs that I used to pay the bills and travel as soon as I had a few days free and some money in the bank for flights. On that consideration, this year has been amazing. I’ve fallen in love, gone on numerous spontaneous trips, and realised that my law degree is right for me and I'm so excited to get back to it in September. On the contrary, however, I’ve had some difficulties staying on top of finances (I can’t wait to get my student loan back!), I’ve sacrificed a social life in order to work 24/7, and I’ve not spent a lot of time doing what I love - writing. Which brings us back to my first point..
I’m not promising a regular, regimented upload schedule or a specific theme that I’ll stick to. Rather, I promise to write whenever I feel like it about whatever I deem appropriate that day. Expect a few outfit posts (thanks to my amazing boyfriend and his brilliant photography skills), a feminist/political rant or two, some culinary attempts, some (possibly retrospective) travel posts, and maybe a lifestyle section.
I’m also extremely unhappy with my blog layout - the only editing skillz I have are those I learned many moons ago to make a glittery arrow and a melancholy playlist on my tumblr page. I’ll be trying to improve the look of my page over the next while, slowly but surely, until I find something I’m happy with. Until then, please bear with me and my unoriginal template!
Emma x
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